René Boender – Auteur
He has spread his magic seeds of wisdom and ‘motivational marketing humor’ from Orlando to Perth, New York to Cape Town, Lisbon to Milan, and Dubai to Willemstad. He was on stage with Warren B, Elon M, Howard S and even Queen Maxima. His work as a Brain agent has been just as diverse as his travel – really involved in brands and a keynote specialist to energize the process or kick off! And the exciting thing is ; the word is getting out!
René Boender is very much in demand as a participant on (inter)national symposia and is a guest lecturer at universities and seminars but also strong in marketing audits. He inspires many global captains of industry in one-on-one sessions and knows how strike just the right chord with consumers.
René keeps track of virtually everything, and believes everything stands or falls through the power of communication.
He is the author of the 4 nr 1 bestsellers Great to Cool, Generation Z, Gen Z & the fourth industrial revolution and Cool is Hot. And love to share all input….